Tuesday, August 29, 2006

And the winner is

O.K. I ate breakfast this morning with my good friend Ron (yes that Ron from Rons World Rons World). And he said I need to ask what ya'll thought the score would be for the FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON. So here it goes I'm gonna do this all season there may be a prize for the person who does the best for the year.

My pick and score is....

LSU 63 Cajuns 10

Now I know I gave them some credit having them score 10 but I don't think we will shut them out

3 Days to go


Carole Turner said...

LSU 25 Cajun's 14

Karen said...

(bradley) LSU 52 ULL 3

Cajun Tiger said...

LSU 55 - ULL 0

Anonymous said...

LSU 45 ULL 10

Ron said...


Robin said...

LSU 54 ULL 14


Cajun Tiger said...

no matter we score...if it is a shut out i win =)

Anonymous said...

So did I win this game??? I think I won..LOL..I was the closest