Monday, January 07, 2008


National Champs....................
I sat at home and watched by myself. The only thing that would have been better is to see the look on my Ohio St. family's faces when the game ended.

Its Time

O.K. Its 5am going to work and the day will take forever.
We have 14 hours in till kick off and I think that LSU is gonna.......


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy New Years

O.K. I hope everybody has had a great New Years so far. Mine has been great. The family and I stayed at home on New Years Day. Didn't go anywhere. Just like Christmas Day. Here are some pic from Christmas Day feast we had. E and I did most of the cooking.

Everything turned out great as you can tell by this last pic.

On New Years Eve we went to our friend house and shot off some fireworks and played a mean game of Texas Hold em'

It came down to me and the card playing expert.

That right the lady that can't get in any Casino in Vegas.

That because she's only 9 years old...

That her talking to her daddy. Do you see who has all the chips? Its not me.